"Those that entered the business as real estate developers - for opportunistic reasons - will not."
But at the same time, it is clear that they love the institution, and not only for the obviously opportunistic reasons; weddings make them genuinely and absurdly happy.
But when in 1965 the novel was first published (the magazine "New World", № 8), opportunistic reasons, preference is given the name "Theatrical Novel".
But some were old- style criminal organizations which used this plane for their own purely pragmatic and opportunistic reasons.
It is not quit clear whether Doihara joined the movement for ideological or opportunistic reasons, but in any case, from then on his military career accelerated.
In later years it was claimed that Příhoda had separated from his wife for opportunistic reasons because of National Socialism.
The report portrays the South African Communist Party as having aligned itself with the popular rebel movement principally for opportunistic reasons.
They think he took up their issues for opportunistic political reasons.
According to Ayneworth, Garrison fabricated conspiracy allegations for "politically opportunistic reasons" and had attempted to bribe potential witnesses.
As soon as one country decides not to adopt it, for historical or opportunistic reasons, the structure that has been built upon it is blown apart.