In this situation, Susini was offered a great opportunity resulting from his military experience.
With the new opportunities resulting from globalization and the internet, the accepted forms of success are losing ground to scenarios drawing on innovative ideas.
Drake would take advantage of the opportunity, driving 98-yards, resulting in a Patrick Cashmore 2-yard rushing touchdown.
The underlying cause of these inequalities is a lack of opportunity resulting from discrimination.
A major reason for the current attractiveness, despite the sharp downturn in the bond market this spring, is the fewer opportunities for tax-free or tax-deferred returns resulting from the 1986 law.
Virginia commanded the first half of the contest due in part to extra-man opportunities resulting from penalties by Syracuse.
Constrained by shaken consumers and themselves rattled by the stock market plunge, American industrialists could be slow to take advantage of opportunities resulting from the cheaper dollar.
A phased programme of installing interactive whiteboards in every classroom is well advanced and other opportunities resulting from specialist status have greatly enhanced the education available to students.
In the meantime, each one is hoping to take advantage of opportunities resulting from the high visibility of "The Producers."
To others, it meant that tens of thousands of extra high school graduates were given a chance at the opportunities resulting from a college education.