The proposal creates the opportunity for the submission of data to support including higher SPF values in the final rule.
"Our proposed system depends on each party believing that it will have equal opportunities to raise money and support its candidates," the panel said.
There are a wide variety of volunteering opportunities support by YHA.
"We want the opportunity to always vote for him and support him," Ms. Hamilton said.
Surface and underground water create many opportunities to support agriculture and manufacture.
Today, we have both a special opportunity and responsibility to support that role, as America seeks international cooperation in the campaign to defeat global terrorism.
Let me also take this opportunity to support him when he says that the financial resources for developing the trans-European networks are no longer adequate.
Mr President, like others, I welcome the opportunity to support the summit conclusions, particularly on the climate change package.
Mr President, I welcome the opportunity to support this resolution.
The bank provides an opportunity for people to support the program's social goals without risk, by investing in federally insured deposits.