It fears, for one thing, that the coalition opposing Iraq will fragment before sanctions produce political results.
The political repercussions, both at home and in the fractious multilateral coalition opposing Iraq, could be disastrous.
Such an attack could also threaten the fragile coalition opposing Iraq.
There was no immediate reaction from nations opposing Iraq.
Egypt is by far the most important Arab country opposing Iraq.
The stability of the Arab countries willing to join us in opposing Iraq would have been badly shaken.
Officials said payments to Egypt and Syria, who were also members of the coalition opposing Iraq, may have totaled $3 billion to $5 billion.
Once military forces are in place opposing Iraq, the strength that will free hostages and end the crisis is the strength to be patient.
The total number of aircraft used from all nations to oppose Iraq was 2,400.
But for Israel to strike back massively could sunder the coalition opposing Iraq.