He opposed banning the publication of the Qur'an, wanting it exposed to scrutiny.
President Bush has said he opposes banning soft money donations from individuals and favors the approach to overhaul championed by Mr. Hagel.
Despite his skepticism, Dr. Mao opposes banning the procedure.
Mr. Gephardt, a Missouri Democrat, said he opposed banning smoking altogether because that would put tobacco farmers out of work, create a black market for cigarettes and increase imports.
Polls, however, indicate that, however much Americans support moderate controls, most oppose banning the manufacture and sale of guns.
The Conservative Party opposed banning handguns, and proposed mandatory sentencing for crimes committed using guns.
Republican House leaders, led by Tom DeLay of Texas, oppose banning soft money for a variety of reasons.
Mr. Cuomo said through his spokeswoman that day that he firmly opposed banning military recruiters from campuses.
He opposed banning cop killer bullets, waffled on gun control, and supported Robert Bork for the Supreme Court.