Obama's only opposing it because it's getting close to election time.
"Don't want to insinuate that people only oppose you because they resent your success."
But opposed V-chip requirement and rating system because "it takes us one step closer to Government control over what we see and hear on television."
These have, at times, made strange bedfellows with the minority who oppose reform because no reform, and certainly not abolition, is acceptable.
The PCP, which opposed the elections because its leadership expected to do poorly, won less than 13% of the vote.
Rush Limbaugh also opposed the job creation bill because taxes on people like him would have to go up to pay for it (listen to show).
I oppose you because you hunt me and mine.
"If we are to oppose something just because it has the name Confederate in it, then why stop here?"
In which case, any cuts that Labour oppose then because an opposition for its own sake.
The institute opposed the Dover board's action, it said, because it "politicized" what should be a scientific issue.