"We're not going to have an alternative as good," said Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican of California, who opposes closing the range.
The reaction from Roosevelt parents was mixed, but generally, students and teachers opposed closing the district.
They oppose closing any of the university's 34 campuses, nearly all of which are in Republican districts and are highly prized for the local jobs they bring.
Its CEO said the donations were unrelated to Rangel's February 2007 promise to oppose closing the loophole.
They removed this poll as well after 89% of respondents opposed closing the strait, and replaced it with one about soccer.
Although the entire Utah delegation opposes closing such a large area to development, the move could provide Mr. Clinton with an election year bonus.
All said they opposed closing the center.
It is unclear, however, when this will actually take place as the Tel Aviv municipality opposes closing the airport.
Exhibitors vigorously oppose closing this gap, and their trade group has insisted that the current slump is merely a momentary dip in a cyclical business.
Like Ms. Terrell, he opposed closing the casino, although Mr. Cimillo said he wasn't surprised that it was in financial trouble.