As they negotiate, Mr. Clinton and Mr. Netanyahu have inverse problems and as a result, for the moment, opposed interests.
The party favored states' rights and strict adherence to the Constitution; it opposed a national bank and wealthy, moneyed interests.
It serves our serious, opposing interests to remain engaged and aware of what the other is doing.
While the president is often elected by a broad swath of opposing political interests, Mr. Prodi and Mr. Berlusconi could not agree.
Nor did it matter that Cuban-Americans and African-Americans often have strongly opposed interests.
They provide revenue for a rogue state that is trying to build nuclear weapons, serves as a base for terrorism and opposes American interests at every opportunity.
As his first major case, it was of great benefit to Cicero's reputation, especially given that he was opposing powerful political interests.
Ape or monkey females whose babies are threatened have directly opposed interests, often forming coalitions to defend themselves and their offspring against infanticidal males.
After the Sonderbund war, the Radical party opposed Catholic interests.
Naturally, we could have come to that decision sooner and better had there been no attempts to oppose national and co-European interests, had there been no deviations in the technical particulars.