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Forces which opposed unification with Haiti formally declared independence from Spain on November 30, 1821.
Among other causes, the paper opposed Italian unification.
Its Government must be responsible to its citizens, a significant number of whom oppose unification.
He said a majority of Taiwan's 23 million people opposed unification with China, at least under the terms Beijing has proposed.
He believed in the "integration" of defence headquarters, but opposed the Hellyer "unification" of the armed forces.
In contrast, the Unionist community - composed primarily of Protestants in the six counties that form Northern Ireland - opposes unification.
Ms. Chou said she opposed unification.
Mitterrand still wanted Thatcher to publicly oppose unification, however, to obtain more concessions from Germany.
The Bush Administration has made a strategic decision in recent months not to oppose German unification in principle provided it is done through free elections.
In the 2006 Transnistrian referendum, it opposed unification with Moldova, as did a reported 94% of the electorate.