Several towns near Cap Haitien have also fallen under opposition control, tightening the noose around the city.
Other states where strike support was extensive were Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh, which are also under opposition control.
Areas under opposition control reported disruption of state TV broadcasts.
Everyone is potentially under opposition control.
Around the same time it was reported that Saraqib was under opposition control.
By late January 2012 activists said that four neighbourhoods in Hama were under opposition control.
Even though Mazar-i-Sharif is under opposition control, "It's still wild country," one senior Pentagon official said.
These local officials give the opposition control of some funds and broadcast media, in addition to political stature and a base for organizing.
In January, some Damascus suburbs fell under partial opposition control.
It is better for him to give the opposition control of a few city halls than continue to drive the country toward chaos.