The opposition criticized him for having accepted less than Norway's rightful claim.
Georgia's opposition has also criticized the camps for Saakashvili through them trying to gain political scores among the young people.
Women's groups and birth control advocacy agencies applauded the announcement, but the conservative opposition criticized it.
However the opposition has criticised his role in procuring political donations for the Labor party from business groups.
The Israeli left-wing opposition criticized it also at the time, but mainly for its timing relative to elections only three weeks later.
The opposition criticized Stelmach for not reducing the size of cabinet which had become bloated to record levels.
Free Motherland had a mainly economic focus and said that the opposition just criticised without offering solutions.
Some opposition political leaders have already criticized the Government for paying more attention to the economic situation than to the human suffering.
The opposition and many criticize Democrats for delaying the start of this process.
The move was legal under the Constitution, but the opposition and Western diplomats criticized the bullying.