But backed by an electoral victory margin of more than 14 percentage points, the opposition has given its program new definition.
Thus, conservative opposition was given a chance to speak, and the opposition gave the leaders a clear ultimatum.
The group's opposition to the country's military rulers gave it something of a folk-hero status among some Greeks.
But that reflexive opposition might yet give way to a sharper analysis of the union's interests.
Its opposition may give the lower chamber a chance to reconsider or even abandon a controversial measure.
The fears and opposition have slowly given way, however, as 41 states have adopted the math standards in their education policies.
With the $15 billion European chocolate market at stake, the British lobbied hard, and today the opposition finally gave in.
But now his opposition might be giving way, although the evidence of that is still rather meager.
The opposition gave a deadline for the next day at 3 pm for Milosevic to give up power publicly.