There were no questions when he had finished, only a heavy quietness hanging in the room like an invisible, oppressive cloud.
Although it should have been high noon, it was as black as midnight all around them, thanks to an oppressive cloud of ash and dust hanging over the land, blotting out the sun.
From out of the west, another police helicopter came fluttering, its lights flashing against the oppressive clouds.
We were raised to survive in spite of the dark oppressive cloud of governmentally sanctioned bigotry.
I wandered around the village under an oppressive cloud.
The slight, red-haired woman cast an oppressive cloud over the assembled rebels, who hardly moved when she appeared.
Kyne's voice broke through the oppressive cloud covering her.
It was as though the hot and oppressive cloud of the khamsin, the terrible Saharan sandstorm, was building up on the desert horizon.
There was a cloud in the man's mind, a dark, oppressive cloud, and Shadow could almost see it and, concentrating on it, imagined it fading away like a fog in the morning.
Warm droplets poured down on them from the oppressive tropical clouds.