Fear of Retaliation - Speaking anonymously protects those that criticize oppressive practices from the oppressors.
Yet multiculturalism that has all too often become mere cultural relativism is an indefensible proposition that often justifies reactionary and oppressive practices.
But this runs counter to our foreign policy, which condemns the oppressive practices of totalitarianism and violations of human rights.
"Persecuted groups and sects from time to time throughout history have been able to criticize oppressive practices and law either anonymously or not at all," he ruled.
The organization stands up against unjust and oppressive practices that prevent people from feeding themselves.
Through her medical practice she observed women's physical and psychological problems and connected them with oppressive cultural practices, patriarchal oppression, class oppression and imperialist oppression.
Obsessed with dolls from a grandmother's collection, and with numbers as a symbol of oppressive governmental practices, Mr. Benefiel combines the two.
This would weaken the fight against oppression and allow a continuation of oppressive practices.
The protesters say the WTO is bad because it permits oppressive and environmentally destructive practices and, by liberating greed, promotes these practices.
Jihad (Arabic for "struggle") was given a military dimension after the oppressive practices of the Meccan Quraish against Muslims.