Any reasonable dissecting microscope with incident and transmitted light, a good working distance and an optical magnification of up to X 50 will suffice.
There was no lack of tracking devices and screens with sliding optical magnification.
Through the optical magnification he immediately ordered up, he looked back to see what the trouble was.
Telescopic sights are classified in terms of the optical magnification and the objective lens diameter, e.g. 10x50.
They are often difficult to identify properly without the aid of optical magnification.
Contact lenses may also provide a better optical magnification to reduce the difference in image size.
What has been shown to be important, however, is that the surgeon use optical magnification to perform the vasectomy reversal.
The optical magnification brought the foreign object so close that its outside was clearly recognizable.
That lens zooms from the equivalent of 24mm wide angle to 120mm, a five times optical magnification.
It also allows different optical magnifications and frame sizes to allow accurate framing with any of the XF-mount lenses in the system.