The spectrometer records the spectrum of a nonlinear optical process such as second harmonic generation produced by the laser pulse.
Germanium tetrachloride is used almost exclusively as an intermediate for several optical processes.
The site exploits this optical process to generate up to 1,000 random numbers on demand.
As a nonlinear optical process, the polarization which generates the output depends on the electric fields of the two input beams.
The yellow overcast was removed by filtration in the optical process, with the result being a clean edge around the ships.
If the light is especially intense, nonlinear optical processes can also cause variances.
At high optical powers, scattering can also be caused by nonlinear optical processes in the fiber.
This behavior can be attributed to the optical processes with participation of two or more phonons.
Light bounces exactly back in the direction from which it came due to a nonlinear optical process.
I know that there are some ideas about how these nonlinear optical processes can be made more efficient, and maybe even useful, using plasmonic surfaces.