The geometrical/linear optical theory, to account at the first approximation for the spatial intensity distribution.
Advances in computational methods and optical theory continue to lead to a fuller understanding of rainbows.
On the next page, we'll see an example of how Georges Seurat used contemporary optical theories in his art.
But Galileo himself did not utilize an optical theory for that purpose.
Another scientist might have proposed a modification in the optical theory governing the operation of the telescopes used in the investigation.
A century-old optical theory is used to simulate the effect of reflected light.
Following contemporary optical theories, he produced photographs with one area of sharp focus while the remainder was unsharp.
A hundred years later, this purely optical theory was attacked by Goethe, who preferred an imaginative synthesis to a mathematical one.
A good focus puller will have an intimate knowledge of cinematographic and optical theory.
It has strong programs in nonlinear optical theory, modeling and simulation.