These values should be increased to give optimal response and so adapt to the overall machine loading on the host system.
"When we're faced with a poor outcome, or not an optimal response, it's sad in that case," she said.
A substantial number of complex cells also display directional selectivity, such that movement in only one direction produces an optimal response.
Joint operating agreements and special customs procedures promote maximum cooperation that provides an optimal response to any distress.
We can argue about whether Thatcher's policies were the optimal response.
For neurological disease, initiating therapy promptly is critical for an optimal clinical response.
"We have a starting position for optimal acoustical response in the room."
At each possible information set the strategy employed by a player is an optimal response to the opponent's strategy.
A's optimal response to (5) must maximize the expression below.
We have established that agent A's optimal response to (5) is linear.