Their new economic optimism, perhaps, may help to explain the narrowing of the presidential polls.
The underlying economic optimism would help Mumbai weather Tuesday's attack, executives said.
Such ingrained optimism has helped keep the economic and political structures of the country intact.
This optimism helped the Nasdaq finish the week at 2,626.50, up 9 percent or 217.85 points.
Elsewhere, optimism about first-quarter earnings helped to increase prices of shares in finance, drug and heavy-equipment companies.
Perhaps that optimism, and the hard luck it encounters, will help define the next generation of novelists.
But his mother's optimism helped them through the tough times, he said.
His good heart and infectious optimism had helped Leto through the darkest times after the Old Duke's death.
On Monday, optimism about coming earnings reports helped to lift stocks in sectors like technology and financial services.
A bit more optimism from policymakers would help as well.