The quality aspect is not the only approach to tailor the cross-layer optimization strategy.
These factors are critical since in one study, proper optimization strategies increased target capture efficiency from 18 to 91 percent.
In most cases, a gradient-based optimization strategy will be used.
Implementing a data center monitoring and optimization strategy (yields a 2 percent savings)
These requirements led to a very aggressive and complex optimization strategy which was applied prematurely, with negative results on the final system.
For example, the copy-on-write optimization strategy could not be used.
It is a parameter that shows the effectiveness of the site's optimization strategy; the more the pages indexed the better.
Instead of doing a deep copy right away, there are some optimization strategies that can be used.
The optimization strategies can be divided into three categories.
Dynamic programming studies the case in which the optimization strategy is based on splitting the problem into smaller subproblems.