After commissioning, the ship was heavily involved for several years in the development of the optimum design for other aircraft carriers.
Now it is obvious that there must be an optimum design for a vessel based on its function and purpose.
Moreover, as the National Research Council concluded almost two years ago, the space station is the optimum design for that purpose.
"Studies in optimization-I: The optimum design of adiabatic reactors with several beds."
Are your drums of the optimum design?
Is the pallet of the optimum design?
Assume an esper-powered capsule and go over the optimum designs.
Down here the converted freighters were almost an optimum design.
The forming section type is usually based on the grade of paper or paperboard being produced; however, many older machines use a less than optimum design.
"An experimental model of buckling restrained braces for multi-performance optimum design".