There must therefore be discussion and compromise in order to achieve an overall optimum result.
Encourage 15 minutes of exercise three times a week, plus a healthy diet, for optimum results.
For optimum results a screened box is required with the case connected to 0V and earth.
In some cases, it may also be necessary to experiment with the indicator (L1) for optimum results.
However, more important was the feel for the instrument, a lover's touch to draw the optimum results from it.
It can be helpful to clean the stone beforehand, to ensure optimum results.
This required a special film developed by Kodak for optimum results.
Five different types of drugs along with mineral supplements were used to achieve optimum results.
It is not unusual for a patient going on a drug for the first time to fall short of optimum results.
Read on to find out what kind of exercise - and how much - you should be doing for optimum energy-boosting results.