They like warmth, not heat - 75 degrees is an optimum temperature indoors and out.
At the optimum temperature of 30 C each snail can lay up to 800 eggs.
A.rosea has an optimum temperature at 68C with a range of 50-73C.
During this time, temperatures should be kept at optimum temperature for the particular yeast strain being used.
He also said that the zoo has apparently hit upon optimum temperatures and environmental conditions for the animals.
At optimum temperatures Phytoseiidae can develop from egg to adult in 7 days and live for up to 1 month.
The optimum temperature for its disease development is above 60 F.
There are a number of mechanisms to maintain the testes at the optimum temperature.
There is an optimum temperature at which a cold-blooded species does best in terms of growth, survival and food intake.
In this way, the eggs are maintained at the optimum temperature.