Indian oral epics are found abundantly everywhere there are caste based culture.
What they demonstrated was that oral epics tend to be constructed in short episodes, each of equal status, interest and importance.
The Zhuang also have their own oral epic, the Baeu Rodo.
As in many oral epics, multiple versions of the Ramayana survive.
In 1850, after Faehlmann's death, Kreutzwald started writing the poem, interpreting it as the reconstruction of an obsolete oral epic.
The 12 Muqams are the national oral epic of the Uyghurs.
A 19th century oral poetic epic telling the tale of a rivalry between two heroes from Shammar and 'Annizah was published in 1992.
And they, unaware of the contempt in which he held them, seemed genuinely interested in the continuous oral epic of Pritchard's experience.
Manteswamy Kavya is one of the most important oral epics of Karnataka.
The Sakha have a tradition of oral epic in their language called "Olonkho", traditionally performed by skilled performers.