Rehydration with oral fluids or intravenous solutions is critical for cholera, to replace the gallons of water and chemicals lost.
Saliva is a component of oral fluid.
Drugs and pharmaceuticals that are highly protein bound in blood will have a lower concentration in oral fluid.
Most dengue fever cases are self-limited and can be treated with bed rest, acetaminophen, and oral fluids.
And, simply this requires either a sample of oral fluid or a pin prick in order to have those test results available within 20 minutes.
Treatment is usually fluid replacement, prescribed intravenously unless oral fluid are indicated.
People with diarrhea (especially in young children) who are unable to take oral fluids because of nausea may need medical attention and intravenous fluids.
Some rapid tests use oral fluids, and others take just a quick finger prick.
Treatment includes a soft diet and oral and IV fluids to prevent dehydration.
Be resistant to dissolution in saliva, or in any oral fluid.