The changes, including fluctuating hormones, increase the woman's susceptibility to oral infections such as periodontal disease.
"The higher the number of partners that you've had, the greater the odds that you'd have an oral infection."
There is increasing evidence that oral infections, too, can induce premature labor.
Diabetic persons must increase their awareness towards the oral infections as they have a double impact on one's health.
However, both viral types can cause either genital or oral infections.
Similar to A. caninum except that oral infection, without pulmonary migration, is the usual route.
Risk for tissue necrosis is in part related to trauma or oral infection; however, idiopathic cases can also occur.
Specifically, type 2 has been implicated as causing 10-15% of oral infections.
By going to do the dentist and listening to advice, one can begin to prevent oral infection and disease.
People with diabetes are prone to oral infections.