They have oral lore and storytelling in a series of song cycles.
At the time, Lark didn't know how many generations had toiled to create the guidebook, collating oral lore from every exile race.
Oral tradition and oral lore is cultural material and tradition transmitted orally from one generation to another.
Significant lineage transmission is through oral lore.
Writing of the group's origins, Mr. Jones observed, "We were concerned with the gathering of oral lore before it was forgotten.
They keep as much of their Jewish identity as can be imparted in secret meetings among themselves, with purely oral lore, though some written Hebrew is taught.
Oral tradition (sometimes referred to as "oral culture" or "oral lore") is cultural material and traditions transmitted orally from one generation to another.
As she stays at home most of the time, her parents and grandparents entertain her with various oral lores and traditional dances.
In the Vedas, the knowledge of Brahman (brahmavidya) is communicated from guru to shishya by oral lore.
The main purpose for their studies, however, is written and oral lore pertaining to religious functions, and the test for graduation is memorizing the psalter.