Blue, white and orange balloons, along with silver ones arranged in the shape of "NYK," were everywhere.
The giant yellow, white and orange balloon, seven storeys tall, was spectacular.
At 9:45 a.m., a few Dutch fans were tying orange balloons and orange banners at 60th Street.
He noticed an orange balloon, stuck in the rafters of his two-story living room, a leftover from his son's 10th birthday party.
The sun rose like a great, orange balloon, its sides shifting laterally as light refracted through the warming air.
There were orange balloons and orange tablecloths.
The sun seemed to hang low over the desert like an orange balloon.
On 4 October 1997, the globe became a red, orange and yellow hot-air balloon, coloured to resemble a globe.
She caught a glimpse of him through the forest of black and orange balloons that dangled from the ceiling.
Blue and orange balloons rose on breezes that flapped the sails of the tall ships anchored nearby.