She stayed to commiserate with Ginny Auld, a saleswoman, who was mourning a dead butterfly weed, whose orange blooms had brightened her yard for 19 years.
The strain also includes yellow and orange blooms.
In that short time, they sprouted quickly, brightening the co-op's entrance with nascent red and orange blooms - and the promise of many more for years to come.
Around the base of the pool African tulip bushes caught flecks of water in their giant orange blooms.
There was something about the yellow and orange blooms that made him want to grow his own.
Twin bougainvillea vines, heavy with bright orange blooms, flanked the glass entry.
Marigold; French or African Tagetes; plant out in early summer for beautiful yellow and orange blooms until autumn.
This lily grows to a height of approximately 30 to 90 centimeters, and produces red or orange blooms between June and August.
In the bosom of her robe was a bunch of orange blooms, and her rippling hair was tied in a single knot behind her shapely head.
There was a little breeze which shook the petals of the orange blooms over us in showers, and bore their delicate fragrance far and wide.