This condition also affects cats, those with orange coloration most often, and can appear on the nose, lips, and eyes as the cat ages.
It is approximately five centimeters (2 in) long and typically black, though some populations have orange coloration.
In the living cowries the transparent mantle has an orange coloration, with long finger-like projections.
Interior has an orange coloration, with white inner lip of the aperture.
As with all other birds, all red and orange colorations are acquired through their diet.
The orange coloration results from carotenoid pigments in the alga cells.
Both sexes develop an orange coloration along the edge of the first dorsal fin during breeding.
They are easily identifiable by their orange coloration and branching tentacles.
The white and orange coloration is unique amongst the wire-haired gun dogs.
The male has a cherry-red edge on its operculum; females have orange coloration in this area.