Agricultural machinery uses an orange logo and the machinery is green and orange.
In fact, she wouldn't have been surprised if some of the boxes of explosives had orange spray-painted logos saying, "Property of the Tail Gunners."
It is a silhouette of a squirrel carrying an orange logo with earphones connected to it.
A new black, orange and silver logo was introduced and the courtyard updated.
The sponsor logo was again displayed as a simple font across the chest, with white logo for the home and third tops and orange logo on the change strip.
Interspersed is a constant barrage of Nickelodeon promos reinforcing the orange logo and the just-for-kids feeling.
The company's orange logo will not appear on the Olympic athletes' uniforms, of course, and television commentators probably won't even mention the giant retailer's name.
Before the purchase of the property by Westfield, the mall featured its own individual identity featuring a rather bold all-lower cased sans-serif font as well as a tri-color red and orange rainbow-like logo.
The children wear almost-trademark brown uniforms with the orange pelican logo and are expected to be well groomed.
Ars Technica will never be a gaming site, and it shouldn't be, but I grew convinced that I could make our gaming section something worthy of the orange logo.