Within this orbital cycle the pieces will tumble into the sun.
These can cause the luminosity of the star to appear to vary over each orbital cycle.
Thus, like modern times, the orbital cycles seem to have triggered a carbon cycle feedback that enhanced the warming trends.
Additionally, the effect of the 100,000 year orbital cycle on climate seems diminished for as long as 2 million years afterward.
Rahmstorf suggests that the highly regular pattern would point more to an orbital cycle.
It is a relatively simple matter for astronomers to calculate the orbital cycles on which the theory depends.
During every orbital cycle, each star eclipses the other, resulting in a decrease in magnitude.
Studies are also continuing to examine the impact of orbital cycles on the monsoon circulation.
They found that it neatly matched the timetable calculated by astronomers on the basis of the earth's orbital cycles.
A billion years of Martian history, neatly ordered by seasonal and orbital cycles.