But none of the lunar colonies and orbital habitats his 1995 would have shown, nothing out in deep space or the asteroid belts.
"By sneak attack, they disabled our orbital habitats, our communications, everything we might have used to call help."
"Her monograph on the conceptual failures in design of early orbital habitats is something of a classic."
And where, if Rodeo is to be closed down, will you find or build another suitable orbital habitat?
The Commonwealth was a democratic federation of planets, drifts (space stations or orbital habitats), and systems.
The sky was a searing - blue dome, marked only by a high vapour trail and the lights of orbital habitats.
Instead Daniel talked about his and Jessica's new job jointly supervising the maintenance of orbital habitats.
Any orbital habitat offered its inhabitants countless ways to do themselves in, and many another planet was equally, if less insidiously, dangerous.
That wasn't an orbital habitat after all.
By that time Caramaggio is the wealthiest man in the world and is living in an orbital habitat.