As a consequence, they may steer away from large blocks of the orchestral literature in which they feel less than entirely at home.
But in 1979, when he was appointed director of the Berkeley Symphony, he decided to drop his operatic work and focus on the orchestral literature.
And in recent years, his recordings of both the piano and orchestral literature have demonstrated that he has a great many original ideas to express.
It is one of the very few sections in the orchestral literature where the basses must play a contra-b (lowest b on a piano).
Learning to notate and studying the orchestral literature, he said, might inhibit his natural style.
Besides chamber music, he is also known for his contributions to both orchestral and choral literature.
Students participate in daily master classes with material drawn from solo, chamber, and orchestral literature.
The ensemble performs complex and difficult orchestral literature.
The Academy Orchestra provides performance opportunities for students interested in performing classical orchestral literature.
Chamber Orchestra includes 35 students who are selected by audition and perform standard orchestral literature.