He played these sections off each other, having one section punctuate the figures of another, or moving the melody around different orchestral sections and soloists.
Phrasing, both in the purely orchestral sections and in the choral singing, was often sharply clipped.
The link was arranged by Peter Knight, who arranged orchestral sections for the entire album.
Synthesizers can program separate manuals to emulate sounds of various orchestral sections or instruments.
The lovers' parts are overcome by a final orchestral section.
The chorus then introduce a glowing theme a cappella, which alternates with pure orchestral sections.
As in other orchestral sections jazz has played a very important part in developing and even inventing new effects.
In the West the opposite was true: listeners appreciated the orchestral section but not the choral emotionalism that followed.
The orchestral section was conducted by Scott Laird.
The tour is repeated, as are the chords, at the beginning of each variation which features a different orchestral section and its accompanying set of dancers.