Fusō was ordered in 1875, as part of Japan's first steps towards building a modern navy.
Federal officials said the company had manipulated doctors, who thought the two tests were free, into ordering them as part of a basic blood screening.
The 4800s were already ordered as part of a trial program.
WE have ordered our desserts at the beginning of the meal, as part of a grand plan.
But, he said, a judge would have to order its use as part of the probation terms.
Your doctor may order a lipid panel as part of a regular health examination.
Your doctor also may order this panel as part of a regular health examination or to help diagnose a medical condition.
The judge ordered the state to spend more money, beginning in July 1996, as part of a program to improve its historically black universities.
Alaska also ordered two 737-800s as part of this order.
The remaining 10 boats were ordered as part of the 1904-05 Programme.