He ordered bacon and eggs, a side of potatoes, a large orange juice, coffee and toast.
Atticus ordered two eggs scrambled, bacon, and French toast.
Once I would have ordered bacon or sausage for this meal, but not lately.
Casher walked lightly back to his own room, where he ordered hotcakes, bacon, and coffee.
I got up and ordered a peanut-butter, bacon, tomato, and lettuce sandwich.
"Yup, she helps me cheat by not telling my wife when I order melted cheese and bacon."
As usual, he ordered bacon and eggs, she asked for yogurt and honey.
I got a seat near the window and ordered Canadian bacon and a pot of coffee.
We ordered eggs and bacon with all kinds of extras on the side.
He ordered two eggs, bacon, cottage fries, toast, and grapefruit juice.