But the order and subsequent Pentagon regulations denied defendants some due-process guarantees of civilian and military courts, including the right to hear and contest all of the evidence against them.
His order also denied the committee access to internal Justice Department deliberations about President Bill Clinton's fund-raising tactics.
Today's order effectively denies applications that many districts had made for new programs, or for money to restore programs that were cut last year.
Such an order will, for example, deny a petition for certiorari without comment.
Where fire does not exist... because it changes, and order denies change?
Yet whereas the old political order, including much of the Left, denied the principle of secession, the Bolsheviks were officially proud to embrace it.
Mr Macdonald claims the orders will deny traditional fishermen access to areas they have used for generations.
Monastery's Claim Denied The judge's order denied the monastery's claim that Mr. Nitkin had interfered with its members' right to practice their religion.
The order denied all significant aspects of Facebook's motion, thereby allowing Plaintiffs to continue the case towards class certification.
The judge hears evidence, determines the facts, makes conclusions of law and enters an order allowing or denying the motion.