The brief order granting the petition for a rehearing stated only that a majority of the 11 judges had agreed to reconsider the earlier decision.
Nevada First time and non-violent offenders all others may, "petition a court of competent jurisdiction for an order granting the restoration of his or her civil rights"
That was after Judge Sorkow had signed an order granting Mr. Stern temporary custody.
Based on his false accusations and misstatements, the father obtained an order granting him temporary custody.
The procedure is by application to the sheriff for an order granting the alternative permitted hours on weekdays or Sundays or both.
May 5 - Armed with an order granting temporary custody to the Sterns, police officers arrive at the Whitehead house.
"The order granting the stay is not unusual," the company said in a statement.
Judge McGregor suggested as much in his order granting Mr. Wideman a new trial.
However, he said, major-capital-improvement increases for such tenants are effective only from the date of the order granting the increase; they cannot be applied retroactively.
Grimshaw appeals from the order granting a conditional new trial and from the amended judgment entered pursuant to the order.