The Senate overwhelmingly approved a bill today that would require companies to give workers 60 days' notice before closing factories or ordering large-scale layoffs.
ABC has not ordered layoffs, but it is trying to reduce expenses.
Mr. Hill, still angry, complains that the Commissioner should have consulted him before ordering layoffs last summer that involved his union members.
Gov. Lowell P. Weicker Jr. had ordered layoffs of junior troopers in three stages earlier this year.
He orders a hiring freeze and layoffs.
Union officials feared that some hospitals might order large-scale layoffs of longtime workers once the present contract expired and left them without protection against layoffs.
ABC, a division of the Walt DisneyCompany, has also initiated extensive cost-cutting measures though it has never officially ordered companywide layoffs.
At all of its hospitals, the hospitals corporation has ordered reductions in laboratory and X-ray technicians and layoffs of administrative staff, secretaries and nurse's aides.
He criticized him for opposing the provision in the trade bill recently passed by Congress that would require large companies to give employees 60 days notice before shutting down a plant or ordering layoffs.
Without it, Mr. Gulotta said today, he would have to order layoffs unless Local 830 of the Civil Service Employees Association agreed to contract concessions.