If you don't want to wait for the mail either, you can order and download movies online.
The government has, at times, ordered individual programs and movies to be broadcast between 11pm - 5am.
Under the technology envisioned, subscribers could order movies and television shows from a library as vast as any video store.
Last year, for example, 21.3 million households could order pay-per-view movies over cable.
It allows customers to order television programs or movies at any time, without leaving their couch.
In one, customers can order movies, and a limited amount of TV programming, to watch at any time.
Networks are also ordering far fewer made-for-television movies from independent producers.
It can't send signals back to the cable company, which means that you can't order pay-per-view movies.
We went to dinner together, to the mall together, we ordered movies up to the room.
Guests may require assistance when ordering movies or using other television features, as choices are only visual and change frequently.