It said rioters snatched guns from policemen and shot at the officers, who "strictly observed the orders of the higher authorities not to open fire."
Between August 1940 and October 1941, 619 Jews left the country on the orders of the authorities.
"According to police officers," it said, "throughout the incident they strictly observed the orders of the higher authorities not to open fire."
The production was closed by order of the authorities.
His mathematical lectures roused enthusiasm, but they were discontinued by order of the authorities.
The investigation in his death was closed by order of the French authorities without public explanations.
Under orders of the Israeli authorities, the university has been closed since the early months of the Palestinian uprising.
Publication was suspended several times for lack of support or by order of the authorities.
Instead, these persons were transported by orders of the authorities at the workhouses and hospitals in which former resided.
Sites are selected by order of the public authorities without any consultation of the local populations, environmental-impact studies or risk assessments.