Hamilton ordered his younger brother, who was struggling with high school academics, to leave Gastonia and move in, adopting him.
Tecumseh ordered his brother to take no action, but his brother continued to call for the death of Harrison.
In amends, he ordered his brother to escort us to a restaurant called Kim's.
Raistlin thought that now he was beginning to understand, "Hand me my pack," he ordered his brother.
She ordered her little brother to stay with his teammates and soak up every bit of knowledge to use for next year.
"I've ordered my brother Fred remanded to your care," he said.
That he ordered his own brother upstairs, where he would die.
In the end, a judge ordered Hillblom's brother and mother to submit to genetic testing.
When Louis returned in 1254, he reaffirmed his earlier arbitration and ordered his brother to get out of the conflict.
Richard ordered his younger brother Edward to leave him and save Thomas, which he did.