This was a great success, and many orders for his pile driver resulted.
This order did not result in an immediate switch, because an analysis needed to be performed of the benefits and issues that switching would cause.
Any more order, such as represented by the development of an ordered Iron Guard, can result only in greater chaos.
Mr. Ward's order will result in records being kept, but it did not deal with the issue of disciplinary measures.
An order to "drop dead" would only result in the loss of consciousness.
Bell's order resulted in an immediate shift in the course of the battle.
Concentrating such order, if the Balance is maintained, must result in a greater amount of chaos somewhere.
The court's order resulted from a suit by two environmental groups who contended that local measures were inadequate.
Why, without it, the first order you tried to give a robot would result in your death.
The order resulted from an impasse over the budget for the new fiscal year.