Nevertheless, Colonel Paik ordered the 2nd Battalion to aid the 1st Battalion to maintain defense line on the left.
Upon hearing the news of the South Vietnamese withdrawal, the North Vietnamese naval command ordered the 126th Battalion to capture the remaining islands.
Kean ordered the 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry to move in and help restore the 24th's position.
Ben-Gal ordered the 77th Battalion to take command of the 74th Battalion.
The regiment ordered the 2d Battalion to cross the highway at 0600 and take the woods.
Col. Tucker ordered the 1st Battalion to engage in a night assault on the German forces in Cheneux that night.
The regimental headquarters ordered the 1st Battalion to counterattack the North Koreans.
He grinned, filled his lungs again, and ordered the Battalion to form up on parade.
Lieutenant Colonel Nguyễn Bá Thinh - commander of Task Force 52 - ordered the 2nd Battalion to advance towards Lộc Ninh.