James Pohl, another Presiding Officer, took the position that the President didn't have the authority to order him to suspend the commissions.
Basketball program is put on probation and school ordered to suspend Tarkanian for two years.
He also ordered the Pentagon to suspend formal contacts with the Indonesian military.
If the fine remains unpaid, the court sends a notice to the Division of Motor Vehicles ordering it to suspend the license.
In 1813, the government ordered Coulmier to suspend all theatrical performances.
The central government has challenged the establishment of those embassies in the Constitutional Court, which recently ordered them to suspend their activities until the case was decided.
The ministry ordered Toshiba Machine to suspend all exports to 14 Communist countries for a year, starting next Friday.
But 21 minutes later, they ordered Yoshida to suspend the operation.
And if the situation deteriorates further, I will order you to suspend your search and proceed immediately to the summit.
However the company eventually ordered him to suspend work on GaN, claiming it was consuming too much time and money.