She immediately ordered treatment with ribavirin, which Yale had on hand because of its specialized work in tropical diseases.
Plagge ordered respectful treatment of the slave laborers and their families, instructing his officers that "the civilians are to be treated with respect".
Although many legal experts prefer that these cases remain in family courts, which can order treatment and removal of children but not jail sentences, Barber is dubious.
The judge in the case has ordered psychiatric treatment and follow-up care.
This week's claim that Mr. Rumsfeld himself ordered more aggressive treatment of prisoners has yet to be duplicated.
Even if there are no symptoms, your doctor may order treatment to prevent a future, possibly fatal rupture.
It ordered "special treatment" also for "severe violations against discipline, including work refusal or loafing at work."
The doctor was able to detect the beginnings of breast cancer, and ordered immediate treatment to stop it.
He also ordered medical treatment for Mr. Troy, who had cuts and scrapes on his face, apparently from the scuffle.
Judge May said the court was ordering such treatment and would then decide how to proceed.