The brigade didn't see any action until they were ordered to prepare to fight as infantry in August.
On Jan. 23, the police were ordered to prepare to turn over all their information about the case to the grand jury.
The ship was initially ordered to prepare to operate a hospital using 250 of its beds.
On 25 October, the squadron was again ordered to prepare itself to move.
Under it, cities would be ordered to prepare new plans for the reduction of the two pollutants by 3 percent a year.
Wagner was ordered to prepare to move out for Kindu immediately.
Some of the men were given three days' rations and ordered to prepare for an attack.
The cowboys there were held hostage and ordered to prepare food for the gang.
From what I was able to gather, they've been ordered to prepare for an extended campaign out in the jungle.
In August 1942 they were ordered to prepare to move to Libya.