With no system for orderly distribution, refugees struggled to get out of the marriage hall and get in line for the latest donation.
He said people would ignore city instructions and go directly to shelters, undermining plans for orderly distribution of emergency beds and supplies.
Bankruptcy laws also protect troubled businesses and provide for orderly distributions to business creditors through reorganization or liquidation.
"The refugees are so spread out, so chaotic, doing an orderly distribution will be difficult."
They are the product of forces that are constantly at work to effect an orderly distribution of populations and functions within the urban complex.
A "significant number" of Americans, he said, would be stationed at mountain outposts with the Kurds to help guarantee an orderly distribution.
Ms. Albright said the United States favored "an orderly and equitable distribution" of property among the successor nations.
In the meantime, significant looting, particularly of grocery stores, prevented and orderly distribution of food and water.
U.N. soldiers oversaw the orderly distribution of food supplies.
The delay was necessary to allow local relief agencies to sort the supplies and arrange for their orderly distribution.