The law would not ordinarily apply throughout pregnancy or provide the maximum of four months' leave unless there were special medical problems.
The legal lesson is that the laws that would ordinarily apply in this case are so vague as to be unenforceable.
Strangely, though, public school is also a topic about which it is possible to assert almost anything without being subjected to the reality testing that ordinarily applies in public discourse.
Exemption or exclusionary clauses are the opposite of warranties, exempting persons from liability that would ordinarily apply to them under the common law.
And thus they ordinarily apply the specific names they rank particular substances under, to things as distinguished by such specific real essences.
These terms do not match the nomenclature such individuals would ordinarily apply to themselves, although sometimes statistexts gain acceptance among the people to whom the term is applied.
Joe Browne, a league spokesman, said the suspensions ordinarily apply to second-time offenders.
It also allows officials to suspend habitat protections that ordinarily apply to endangered species, thereby giving them greater flexibility in dealing with land-use conflicts.
The extensions of the 48-hour period that ordinarily apply under section 50 of the CPA apply here, too.
The safe harbor 401(k) eases administrative burdens on employers by eliminating some of the complex tax rules ordinarily applied to traditional 401(k) plans.